International Pascal Cafe IJsselstein Netherlands

Planned International Pascal Cafe – Spring 2024 Saturday 6 April

Early bird price € 50 valid until 1 april 2024

We plan to have the Pascal Cafe in IJsselstein on saturday 6 April 2024.
Hotel accommodation nearby : Fletcher Hotels

The main Items we would like to show :

Mattias Gaertner
Updating  to the newest Pas2Js  Version 3 by downloading it from git
Discussing and presenting the new easy way of making use of it by newly designed Menu’s.
New components and specifications.

Holger Klemt,
will show a simple code editor on the web for the pascal language, with whom you can code mini applications
without knowledge or much overhead. You can playfully browse them completely.
Like a topic in a school term, for example and each student can still make their own source code variant
and pass it freely without installing anything anywhere.
he focus is not to have to know everything from start on in order to be able to let the app run,
in the web, but it can be simply a few step-by-step examples to understand how put things together and show it.

Detlef Overbeek & Michael van Canneyt
Fresnel: We will show the easy way  you now can use Images, a special class for that has been developed

More interesting items to come...

Parking available in front of the event address:
Price including Drinks/Coffee and Lunch € 70,00

Early bird price € 50 valid until 1 april 2024


Special Subject:  Free Pascal Running in a Browser. 
Now it is possible to let the Browser run direct Freepascal (Pascal) code.
We will provide new apps and code, show how interactive programming can be done.

The latest information about Fresnel: all colours and lots of graphical things 
you can start helping by participating in the project.


Where: IJsselstein / Netherlands

Address: Touwlaan 36, 3401 CB IJsselstein

Early Bird Price per attendee  € 50
Early bird price € 50 valid until 1 april 2024 / Includes coffee/tea/soft-drink and three sandwiches for lunch
Registration  is now available, or else send an email to admin @
with your details: we will make contact.